We went to the Anasazi ruins at Chaco. I'm so glad to be with my researcher husband. I'm very proud of him.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Our Trip to Chaco Canyon Anasazi Ruins, NM
Fuimos a las ruinas anasazis y fue una aventura verdadera. Estaba muy feliz estar con mi Peruano durante su investigacion. Estot muy ogulloso de el.

We went to the Anasazi ruins at Chaco. I'm so glad to be with my researcher husband. I'm very proud of him.
We went to the Anasazi ruins at Chaco. I'm so glad to be with my researcher husband. I'm very proud of him.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Fuimos a Perú!
We were married in September of 2007. In July of 2008 we had a chance to visit Perú. It was my first time. I was enchanted with the beautiful culture and the kind-hearted people. We visited Huancayo, San Isidro de Acobamba, and Lima. Here are some photos of the zoo, the family, and the trip to Acobamba.
Latin Festival! (Fiesta Latina)
Last Saturday we participated in a Latin festival for our stake at church. People in our Spanish ward come from many different countries and presented traditional foods, artifacts, songs, and dances typical of their countries. It was very fun. At the end of the night we had a big dance with a DJ and we all got out on the floor and did some serious boogie-ing. Emilio and I sang a traditional Quechua song that people sing during the Santiago holiday in July from the area of Peru where Emilio is from. It's called "Ayer La Perdi Una Paloma."
Monday, September 14, 2009
Anasazi and Huari

Mi esposo esta haciendo investigación para su thesis. Es un comparison dentro dos grupos de gente. Los Anasazi, una gente del norte america, viviendo en el sur-oeste de Los Estados Unidos cerca del año 400 antes de Cristo hasta aproximadamente 1300 años despues de Cristo. (De las 2 primeras photos.)
Los Huari son el otro grupo. Los Huari vivieron en Sudamerica, especificamente en los Andes de Perú, y fueron uno de los grupos que vivieron antes del emperio Inca (cerca del año 500 hasta 1200 despues de Cristo). Ellos introdujeron los campos en terrazas, un estilo de agricultura, y tambien los caminos que mas tarde usaron los Incas. (Refiérase a la mapa y las photografias mas bajo.)
Mi esposo esta haciendo un comparison dentro los dos sobre su cultura y religión, su agricultura, su tela y ropa, etc. Es muy interesante! Hay ruinas en los EEUU que sellama Chaco Canyon y Mesa Verde donde vivieron los Anazasi. Ellos desaparecieron pero nadies saben exactament por que ni como pasó.
Sus apellidos de mi esposo son de origin Quechua de Perú: Huaman es de su padre (que significa halcón), y Yupanqui de su madre posible por el Inca Tupac Yupanqui (que significa "El que sirve como ejemplo o guia.)
Sunday, June 7, 2009
La Vida es para aprehender y crecer.

Life is a gift. We believe as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints that we are here to learn new things and to grow, and that the whole purpose of our life is to do that very thing. Going to college to learn about the world, discovering other cultures, learning how to love and forgive, and enjoying the beauty and wonder all around us is a part of what makes life so wonderful and such a blessing. We should make the most of the time we are given in this life. Enjoy!
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